I've been waylayed for awhile whilst wearing the decorative painting hat. First it was two shows at Summer Theatre at Salem at Salem State College painting sets, and now working at St. Andrew's Nursery School in Marblehead creating murals of birds, animals, and sky in their charming schoolrooms.
While working on the sets, I met and worked with some very talented people and was very impressed with what Salem has to offer by way of local theatre. Right now at Summer Theatre at Salem, located at Salem State College is Into the Woods by Steven Sonheim, a musical about what happens after "happily ever after."
Thurs-Saturdays, 7:30 pm
Sundays, 2 pm
Tickets: http://www.salemstatetickets.com/
or 978-542-7555
(Ask about our local chamber of commerce discounts by phone.)
Sundays, 2 pm
Tickets: http://www.salemstateticke
or 978-542-7555
(Ask about our local chamber of commerce discounts by phone.)
If you simply must have more Sondheim, Marblehead Little Theater will be showing a cabaret revue. Mark your calendar now for Marblehead Little Theatre’s Side-By-Side-By-Sondheim, a tribute to composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim, which will come to 12 School Street August 6-8 and 13-15. Show times are 8 p.m. with an additional show on both Sundays at 2 p.m.
The Griffen Theatre also has several events approaching as well-
The Return of Kid Prov! Kids on Stage, hosted by the always funny Erik Rodenhiser. My kids really enjoyed this the last time around, and this time the proceeds are being donated to a good cause.
The Return of Kid Prov! Kids on Stage, hosted by the always funny Erik Rodenhiser. My kids really enjoyed this the last time around, and this time the proceeds are being donated to a good cause.
July 31st at The Griffen Theatre, 7 Lynde Street Salem.
Join Erik Rodenhiser on stage at The Griffen Theatre for some fun and laughs. Kids get the chance to show off their stuff with improvisational games and scenes like "slide show" and "kids as props.". Hosted by Erik Rodenhiser. Don’t miss it, reserve tix today.
Two shows: 4pm, ages 4- 12, and 7pm,ages 12-18
Tickets are $12 adults, $10 for teens, and $8 for kids.
Tickets, call 978 825 0222, or email griffentheatre@gmail.com
A portion of the proceeds will benefit “Inexhaustibly for Anya, bring Anya home” Keri Cahill’s cause. For more info on this cause, visit bringanyahome.org.
Join Erik Rodenhiser on stage at The Griffen Theatre for some fun and laughs. Kids get the chance to show off their stuff with improvisational games and scenes like "slide show" and "kids as props.". Hosted by Erik Rodenhiser. Don’t miss it, reserve tix today.
Two shows: 4pm, ages 4- 12, and 7pm,ages 12-18
Tickets are $12 adults, $10 for teens, and $8 for kids.
Tickets, call 978 825 0222, or email griffentheatre@gmail.com
A portion of the proceeds will benefit “Inexhaustibly for Anya, bring Anya home” Keri Cahill’s cause. For more info on this cause, visit bringanyahome.org.
On a different note (so to speak), August brings the final concert of the Salem Jazz and Soul Festival. The SJSF is recreating and renewing the vibrant jazz scene from the 1920's, when Duke Ellington and other big band musicians played concerts at the Salem Willows seaside park. The culmination of the SJSF is a weekend long concert featuring live music, music classes, a beer garden, and a crafts fair, all at Salem Willows Park. Definitely a show not to be missed. But just in case you can't make it or just can't wait, the SJSF also has smaller concerts throughout the summer outside the historic old town hall. On Saturday, August 10, Jazz violinist Ben Powell will be playing.
See ya around town!